
  • Washoe County School District Committees

    Washoe County School District (WCSD) established multiple committees which are comprised of volunteers from the community who advise the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent on a variety of topics pertaining to the district. Three of these committees support and focus on the work of the WCSD Office of Operations. They are the Capital Funding Protection Committee, the School Naming Committee, and the Zoning Advisory Committee.

    The work of committees helps to ensure that the community has a voice in district governance. These committees make recommendations to the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent so that WCSD can best meet the needs of our students, staff, families, and the community. As stated, all of our committee members are volunteers, and we thank them for their service to the community and the district.

    We invite you to review the details of each of these committees by clicking on the list on the left or by visiting the WCSD Committee webpage.