Board Presentations

  • Presentations to the Board of Trustees

    The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees receives regular updates and progress reports from CannonDesign on the Facility Modernization Plan (FMP) study. Below is a list of the meeting dates and links to watch the presentations.

    At the February 13, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting, th WCSD Board of Trustees approve construction phase funding for the Vaughn Middle School rebuild and Getto Transportation Yard expansion. They also approved the design phase funding for 2023 FMP projects at Stead ES, Reed HS, Mathews ES, Palmer ES, Loder ES, and Wooster HS. These presentations begin at 2:30.

    At the December 12, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting, the WCSD Board of Trustees approved the final district-wide Facility Modernization Plan. The presentation begins at 19:30.

    At the November 28, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting, the WCSD Board of Trustess heard a presentation of the draft final distrcit-wide Facility Modernization Plan (FMP). The presentation begins at 3:05:30.

    At the August 22, 2023 Work Session of the Board of Trustees, the WCSD Board of Trustees heard a presentation on progress, planned activities and schedule of the district-wide Facility Modernization Plan (FMP)

    At the February 28, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting, the WCSD Board of Trustees heard an update and progress report on the Facility Modernization Plan.  The presentation begins at 1:07:55. 

    At the December 13, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting, the WCSD Board of Trustees heard an update and progress report on the Facility Modernization Plan. The presentation begins at 1:17:45.  

    At the November 8, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting, the WCSD Board of Trustees heard an update and progress report on the Facility Modernization Plan. The presentation begins at 2:23:35. 

    At the September 27, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting, the WCSD Board of Trustees heard a presentation on the Facility Modernization Plan. The presentation begins at 1:25:15.