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Silver State Brigade Cadet Leadership

Silver State Brigade
Cadet Enrollment: 1,664 Established: 1992
What We Offer
JROTC is a program offered at all 11 comprehensive WCSD high schools and involves more than 1,900 students (approx 60 percent male, 40 percent female). Our school district has eight Army programs, two Navy programs (Reed & Damonte Ranch), and one Air Force program (North Valleys).
Our JROTC program educates students on character, student achievement, wellness, leadership, and diversity. JROTC is a cooperative effort between the Department of Defense, Department of Education and the Washoe County School District that aims to produce successful students and citizens while fostering a more constructive and disciplined learning environment.
Students who stay in the program for 5 semesters earn their high school health credit, 2 years their high school PE credit waiver. JROTC is also a CTE program and offers CTE completion at the end of 3 years if the Nevada end of program exam in Military Science is passed. Military Science is in the Government and Public Administration career cluster. An honors credit is awarded at the completion of the 2nd and 3rd years and an opportunity to earn a third honors credit if selected to serve on their program's cadet staff! Cadets passing the Nevada State Standards exam for Military Science also earn the Career Readiness Diploma Stamp. The curriculum is based on the principles of performance-based, learner-centered education and promotes the development of core abilities: a capacity for life-long learning, communication, responsibility for actions and choices, good citizenship, respectful treatment of others, and critical thinking techniques.
What We Do
We accomplish our mission by promoting self and team discipline, responsibility, and selfless service. Each Cadet within each program must continually set a positive example for the entire high school.
Although we do not recruit for military some of our cadets have and will continue to serve with distinction in all branches of service.
Care for cadets like family: This is a must for all JROTC personnel. Everyone involved in the JROTC program cares for one another as if they were family. At the same time, a disciplined environment is maintained in each Cadet Battalion. This is not boot-camp discipline, but rather a caring environment that motivates high school students forward in their quest to be proactive citizens in our great Nation.Become an integral part of each high school: Cadets and instructors alike let all teachers and administrators know that we are a proud part of the high school. We find that there is a host of tasks we can perform for our school, from presenting the colors at an event to conducting VIP tours. Make the principal proud of his or her JROTC program is a priority.
Know the characteristics of your community: To make cadets and the program more effective, we make a point of understanding what makes our community successful. Our battalions are integrated into our community by providing thousands of hours of community service.
Adopt an Elementary School or Middle School: Another way to make cadets and the program more effective is the use of the Adopt an Elementary School or Middle School program. This program provides excellent training for Cadets, and at the same time, begins the citizenship motivation for a younger generation of students who will in time join JROTC. Additionally, this program allows cadets to teach young students how to honor and raise the colors, ways to increase self-confidence and self-awareness.
Compete to win: Understanding that competition is a part of the development of self and team discipline; cadets are encouraged to compete in internal and external drill competition, rifle matches and Cadet Olympics. Additionally, cadets are encouraged to do their best and maintain values of good sportsmanship.
Concentrate like a laser beam on serious student problems such as teenage pregnancy and drug abuse: Our JROTC instructors address these issues head-on. We continue to confront these problems with dedication and discipline mixed with compassion to provide a promising future for every cadet.
Ensure that every cadet graduates: High school drop-outs have become a serious national problem. Statistics indicate that if students fail to graduate from high school, their potential to be productive citizens is extremely limited. We in JROTC stand committed to the support of WCSD’s philosophy to graduate every student by name and face. As a result, last year we graduated over 94% of our senior Cadets.
Always maintain top Standards of Appearance and Conduct: Instructors and cadets alike must live the phrase “lead by example.” We who work with the youth of America feel we must always set a shining example that everyone can follow.
Operate as a Cohesive Team: The success of JROTC rests largely on the effectiveness of JROTC Cadre. As a result, all instructors work together as professional colleagues to ensure the success of each cadet within the program. The accomplishment of the JROTC mission is essential in the development of a successful and productive citizen.
Who We Are
The curriculum is facilitated and taught by retired Army, Navy and Air Force personnel from both Active Service and the National Guard from a variety of combat arms, combat support and combat service support career experiences spanning an average of 25 years per Instructor. The success of JROTC is founded on the effectiveness of these instructors. As a result, all instructors work together as professional colleagues to ensure the success of each Cadet within the program.
The accomplishment of the JROTC mission is essential in the development of a successful and productive citizen. Our JROTC seniors who stay with the program graduate at a rate of over 99% with more than 80% locked in for programs of higher learning at Universities across the country, Military Academies, Technical programs and military service.