- Washoe County School District
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Effective Teaching and Learning: A vision for Science Instruction
The Washoe County School District science program is guided by the Nevada Academic Content Standards for Science and built around A Framework for K-12 Science Education. Meaningful learning experiences will integrate Scientific and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas to develop understanding along with a coherent learning progression at every grade level. Students will explore and reflect upon the interconnected nature of science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world to prepare students for their individual lives and for their roles as citizens in the technology-rich and scientifically complex world using WCSD 21st Century Competencies.
Research supports the following elements of effective science learning experiences.
Effective science learning:
- is based on the belief that all children can learn rigorous science.
- is grounded in scientific inquiry where students construct explanations by observing, questioning, carrying out investigations, and developing and using models to explain phenomena.
- results from students applying scientific understandings to design solutions to engineering problems.
- provides all students with equitable opportunities to engage in the science and engineering practices.
- builds on prior knowledge and students’ personal experiences with their world.
- is thoughtfully planned with teachers given the time to understand the science they are teaching.
- incorporates on-going use of the formative assessment process consistently utilizing practices that result in adjustments to instruction.
- results from teachers and students collaborating and reflecting with their peers both in and outside the classroom and applying their learning.
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