
  • C&I

    Student Support

    Short Cuts & Resources for Students and Families
    Joe Genasci, WCSD Edgenuity Program Facilitator
    How do I login at home?  You can login from the Students and Parents tab Directory (washoeschools.net)  of the WCSD District Website.  Find Edgenuity in the list and click on it. 
    If you are experiencing login issues first clear cache in your browser, shut down and restart your device, and follow open Edgenuity from Directory (washoeschools.net)
    Use your school district username and password that you sign into a district computer with.
    Example usename:  1234567@washoeschools.org
    Example password:  Use the same password to login to the school computer.
    Student hints:
    • Make sure you are using .org in your username
    • Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your web browser
    • If you have a pc/mac or mobile device that is not connected to the district's network, you will be asked for your username and password (see example above) once more.

    Flyer explaining how to access Edgenuity in both English and Spanish: 

    How do I use the program?
    When you login the first time, it will prompt you to watch an orientation video. This should answer the majority of your questions. If you need further assistance, please contact your teacher or use Help Center resources below.

    For Students:

    The Edgenuity Student Experience and Video Library

    Student Manual

    How do I translate the text and instruction into a different language like Spanish?  When in a “Course Activity” the word “English” in the top right hand corner is a drop down menu to change languages. The top six will also translate verbally.

    How do I take eNotes or Guided Notes?  

    • Click on the orange button next to each lesson. You can pull up your e-notes during quizzes as well. E-notes will appear on all quizzes. Click on “Advanced” to add symbols, bullet points, exponents, etc.
    • Guided Notes are found in the course map by clicking on the blue bar then select view guided notes. 
    • Guided notes can be printed or used in a PDF writable program such as KAMI. https://web.kamihq.com/web/viewer.html
    • Spaces are provided to write down key concepts to distinguish important information, and helps to prepare for assessments, supports special populations, and increases engagement.
    • Teacher Version is available in the Course Structure page so that educators can check for accuracy.
    • Parents should ensure their students are taking e-notes/guided notes if they are not getting the grade they expect as they can use these notes on any assessment including the final exam.

    Color Codes and Monitoring Progress:  You must complete all required coursework in order to earn credit. If your progress bar is in the red, that means you are behind and need to get caught up. Blue means on target, and green means you are ahead.

    For Parents:

    How to support a student

    Help for families (from Edgenuity)

    How do I review my student's progress through the Edgenuity Parent email alerts?  English   Spanish

     The Washoe County School District website may contain links that lead to resources, video, etc., which is located on servers that are not maintained or controlled by the District. The District is not responsible for the contents of any such referenced websites or for the availability of access to such websites.