- Washoe County School District
- Work Study
Curriculum & Instruction
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- Work Study
Work and Study
Students enrolled in a Washoe County School District high school in grades 9-12 may apply to earn elective high school credit for working at a paid job.Procedure can be found here
- Each student is responsible for obtaining their own job.
- Work and study credit may be earned at one-half (.5) credit for 180 hours of active participation (actual hours worked).
- Sick time, PTO or vacation does not count towards the hours worked.
- Overtime can be counted.
- Total credits earned from Work and Study and other alternative means may not exceed a maximum of four (4) credits. If no other alternative credits have been earned, then four(4) credits can be earned in Work and Study.
- Use course number 8369.
- All grades are pass/fail and do not factor in to the GPA.
- Tracker to submit credits to Curriculum & Instruction can be found here. Only school personnel will submit trackers.
Students - please direct any questions to your school counselor. All paperwork should be sent to your school counselor.
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