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Health Science & Public Safety

  • Biomedical

    The Biomedical program provides students with the knowledge and skills in inquiry science, disease exploration, human body systems, and biomedical engineering.  Areas of study include infectious and genetic diseases, molecular biology, oncology, metabolism, homeostasis, and exercise physiology.

    • Reed High School
    • Debbie Smith CTE Academy
  • Emergency Medical Technician

    The Emergency Medical Technician program provides students with an introduction to emergency medical technician techniques and processes. The program provides the primary skills and knowledge for the pre-hospital emergency medical provider.  It includes areas of study in legalities, trauma and medical assessment, documentation, patient care, and basic life support.

    • Academy of Arts, Careers & Technology (AACT)
  • Fire Science

    The Fire Science program provides students with an introduction to fire science techniques and processes. The program provides the skills and knowledge related to safety, fire behavior, suppression, ventilation, building construction, awareness of hazardous materials, medical care, and wildland firefighting.

    • Academy of Arts, Careers & Technology (AACT)
  • Forensic Science

    The Forensic Science program introduces the principles and procedures employed in criminal and civil investigations. Areas of studies include scientific endeavors such as medicine, pathology, psychology, geology, entomology, fingerprint technology, chemistry, and biology. Emphasis will be put on gathering, analyzing, and interpreting physical evidence, using modern laboratory technologies and procedures.

    • Damonte Ranch High School
    • Debbie Smith CTE Academy
  • Law Enforcement

    The Law Enforcement program provides students with an introduction to law enforcement techniques and processes. Areas of study include basic functions of a law enforcement officer such as: written policies, quality control, court system, law, interrogations, use of force, and emergency management.

    • Academy of Arts, Careers & Technology (AACT) 
  • Medical Assisting

    The Medical Assisting program provides students with the knowledge and skills required for entry level into administrative and clinical medical assisting. Areas of study include diversity, awareness, pharmacology, health information management, and laboratory procedures. 

    • Academy of Arts, Careers & Technology (AACT)
  • Sports Medicine

    The Sports Medicine program provides students with an introduction to sports medicine techniques and processes. The program provides the primary skills and knowledge in athletic training and sports medicine-related fields. The areas of study include physical fitness, human anatomy and physiology, injury evaluation and prevention, and rehabilitation.

    • Hug High School
    • Reno High School
    • Spanish Springs High School

Career and Technical Education Programs: As required by the 1979 Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination in Vocational Education Programs (34 CFR Part 100, App. B, IV-O), the District offers several Career and Technical Education Programs. Admission to these programs is open to all students enrolled in the Washoe County School District.

Programas de Educación Técnica y Profesional: Como lo requieren las Pautas de 1979 para Eliminar la Discriminación en los Programas de Educación Vocacional (34 CFR Parte 100, Apéndice B, IV-O), el Distrito ofrece varios Programas de Educación Técnica y de Carreras. La admisión a estos programas está abierta a todos los estudiantes inscritos en el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe.

Matt MacKay- CTE Coordinator