CTE Internships

  • Career Exploration - Networking - Work Experience

    WCSD is proud to offer students an opportunity to engage with local businesses to learn about career opportunities, understand job skills and expectations, and develop a network of resources to assist students with success after graduation.

    Individual Internships

    These internships are arranged to meet a specific career interest of the student. To earn credit, students will be assigned to and supervised by an internship teacher, must attend scheduled classes throughout the semester, complete internship hours scheduled independently with the mentor, engage in collaborative skill building with peers, complete assignments and present a final project in a public forum. Individual internships start the second week of each semester and end the week prior to finals.

    Group Internships

    Group internships are organized by career field, facilitated by a teacher with knowledge of the industry and focus on understanding the range of career opportunities available in the field. Groups of 10–25 students visit a variety of industry sites, engage in projects associated with the career field, and gain an understanding of the knowledge, skills and education needed for specific pathways within the field. To earn credit, students must attend orientation, all scheduled classes, meet specific learning outcomes, complete assignments, and participate in a final project presentation. Group internships start the second week of each semester and end the week prior to finals.

    Attention Juniors & Seniors 

    • Experience real-world responsibilities guided by professionals 
    • Focus on specific careers of interest within a broad field 
    • Strengthen job, college and scholarship applications 
    • Prepare for career and college success 


    WCSD Spring 2025 Internship Application

    Coming soon!

    Current Group Internships

    Renown Health Medical Internship - Explore Renown Health, learning from a variety of health and patient care professionals about career opportunities in direct medical care, diagnostics, informatics (patient information management), management and human resources.

    KUNR Youth Media Program - Intern with KUNR to learn how to be a radio reporter! Students get hands-on experience from professional journalists to learn how to pitch, write, voice, and edit audio stories that matter to them.

    Internship Application

    Please complete the Washoe County School District Internship for Academic Credit Request Form to request placement in an internship.  

    For any questions regarding internships, please email Crystal Edwards of the WCSD Career & Technical Education Department at CMEdwards@washoeschools.net