• Police Jr. Cadets
    The Washoe County School Police Jr. Cadet Class is open to all High School students registered in Washoe County School District. Students in the class will learn about Law Enforcement and earn high school credit at the same time. The class meets on Monday and Wednesday nights from 4:30pm to 6:30pm.  At the end of each semester, students that complete the course will receive .5 credit with the ability to obtain a total of 2 credits after 2 years. Some topics include History of Law Enforcement, Case Law, Traffic Stops, Building Searches, Radio Traffic, and Drug Laws. Students will also have to complete 10 hours of community service each semester while enrolled in the course. The community service will be originating from School Police events.  
    This course is a great opportunity for students to earn credits, learn about becoming a Police Officer and develop interpersonal and leadership skills that will help students with their personal and professional life.
    All students interested in becoming part of the Police Jr. cadet course program should complete the online application hyperlink below:
    Or contact Officer Gomez or Officer Flury for more information

    Requirements for Enrollment

    • Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA prior to enrollment.
    • Students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA while in the class.
    • Students must also have a clean criminal record.
    • Students must complete community service per semester.
    • Arrests while enrolled in the class will result in removal.
    • Chronic discipline problems at school are also grounds for removal.