Home and Hospital Program

  •                       Home and Hospital Program  

    The Home and Hospital school program is committed to providing students a flexible and motivational educational experience to serve as a bridge between home, hospital, and school.


    The Home and Hospital School Program offers educational services for students who are unable to attend their home school due to a physical or mental illness where confinement in a hospital or home is expected to be a minimum of fifteen (15) consecutive school days. An application and doctor’s note is required to qualify for the program.


    School is a normal activity for children and adolescents. Success at school helps build in children a sense of self-esteem, normalcy, and responsibility. Our program is here to help your child be successful in school, staying caught up with their schoolwork and educational goals.

    Our WCSD Certified teachers collaborate with the student’s school to provide instruction and other services that may be needed. Students may receive up to 5 hours of instruction a week.

    School Re-Entry

    When your child is ready to return to school, we are able to provide your child’s teacher, other school staff and classmates with information about your child’s illness and experiences while they were in the home or hospital setting. We also suggest classroom modifications and ways to adjust the curriculum to meet your child’s needs.


    Contact Information 

    Our Home and Hospital school teachers look forward to working with your child. If you have any questions about the program or specific educational needs, please contact one of the administrators below.

    Special Education

    Jody Rogers- Special Education Administrator   


    (775) 789-4651   


    General Education -Refer to the Counseling Department 

    (775) 850-8011