Social Intervention Program (SIP)

  • Description of Program

    This program is typically a self- contained classroom within a comprehensive school setting, that works on social skill training for children with emotional and behavioral disorders. The students in this program have behavior plans and behavioral goals/benchmarks as a part of their educational plan.

    Kids playing

  • What assistance do we offer schools?

    • Behavior observations and recommendations for students identified as SPED and needing additional support
    • Semi self-contained programming for students with special needs who require a structured setting that focuses on behavior management
    • Leveled system of support for classroom behavior management and modification
    • Training on crisis prevention in the form of de-escalation techniques and physical intervention
    • Assistance with Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
    • Consultation to Individual Assistance Teams
    • Academic transition program at pilot SIP sites to close the academic achievement gap before entry to mainstream
    • Support to teachers in designing academic interventions
    • Assistance with collecting and analyzing behavioral data to tailor programming for individual needs.
    • Aid with transitions in and out of SIP programs within the district
    • Assistance with transition from residential or other treatment programs
    • Assistance with Individualized Education Plans
    • Consultation and support to SIP case managers for IEP compliance