Strategies Program


    Strategies Program            

    This program is where students require a different type of presentation of curriculum. The student will likely have a special education eligibility of Autism and will require some very unique forms of communication. Under most circumstances, at least one paraprofessional is assigned to this program. The following provides an overview of this program focus:

    ·       Expressive language     

    ·       Receptive language   autism spelled out

    ·       Spontaneous language                                                              

    ·       Functional routines                                                                                                  

    ·       Pre-academic skills 

    ·       Play concepts                                                                                          

    ·       Direct social skills instruction

    ·       Fine and gross motor skills

     ·      Replacement behavior skills                                                                                       


    Social Resource Program

    Students in this program are typically eligible under special education with a disability related to an impairment in social communication/pragmatic language development. Students in this program also have social/communication deficits. The following provides an overview of this program focus:

    ·        Social communication

    ·        Pragmatic language development

    ·        Social communication deficits

    ·        General education curriculum for academics with the potential need for adapted curriculum for abstract concepts

    ·        Specially designed social skills curriculum emphasizing the development of social thinking and social coping skills through systematic, coordinated lessons that comprise easy to follow steps, modeling, role-playing practice and a generalization component.

    ·        Curriculum to specifically address behavioral targets that interfere with participation in general education that impact his/ her education (observation and/or language assessment scores).


    What assistance do we offer schools?

    •           Provide guidance to principals in construction and review of Strategies and Social Resource classrooms

    •           Provide materials and facilitation for classroom set up

    •           Offer consultation services to teachers for Autism Specific behavior inquiries for students in special programs

    •           Provide professional development opportunities through the department of professional learning on behavior support, and academic goal implementation          

    •           Collaboration with Multi-Tiered System of Supports teams for academic and behavior supports

    •           Assistance with Functional Behavioral Assessments

    •           Problem-Solve with Teachers on Behavioral Intervention Plans

    •           Support to teachers in designing academic interventions

    •           Assistance with understanding and collecting data

    •           Consultation with teachers

    •           Provide input on appropriate placement decisions

    •           Support to teachers with IEP goal setting

    •           Consultation and support to case managers for IEP compliance

    •           Resource when teachers are concerned about progress of goals

    •           Student observations and feedback

    •           Providing resources to teachers to assist with facilitation of daily activities

    •           Support schools with monitoring effectiveness of implementation of behavior and academic plans


    ELM Strategies - Jasmine Sotoodeh
    Special Education Administrator
    Secondary Strategies - Marcy Pimpl
    Special Education Administrator