Special Education - Student Services
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CLS Programs
Comprehensive Life Skills
The Comprehensive Life Skills (CLS) program is for students who have been identified as requiring a functional curriculum. Most students in this program are eligible for special education under the category of an intellectual disability. Under most circumstances, at least one paraprofessional has been assigned to this program.
The following provides an overview of this program focus:
- Alternative/adaptive curriculum for Connectors to the NV Academic Content Standards and Pre-Academic Skills
- Language rich environment with specialized instruction for social, expressive, and receptive language
- Behavioral targets that interfere with participation in general education
- Vocational skill development
- Direct social skills instruction
- Community safety and awareness
- Functional routines
- Fine and gross motor skills
- Recreation and leisure skills
What assistance do we offer schools?
- Collaborate and consult with IEP team members to provide exemplary services for students with intellectual disabilities, health impairments, and deficits in adaptive skills
- Provide training for alternative and adaptive curriculum for Nevada Academic Content Standards and pre-academic skills
- Coordinate training, materials, and support for the Nevada Alternate Assessment
- Problem-solving with IEP teams to specifically address behavioral targets that interfere with participation in general education
- Assistance with Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
- Support and guidance for specialized instruction for communication deficits (Social, Expressive, Receptive)
- Support with data collection and IEP compliance
- Co-teaching and modeling to improve classroom functions and routines
- Facilitate resources for assistive technology and motor skill development
- Individualized training and support for teachers
- Support school teams with programming for students
- Student observations and feedback
- Organize professional development classes specific to improving rigor in self-contained classrooms
ELM CLS - Jasmine Sotoodeh
Special Education Administrator
Secondary CLS - Marcy Pimpl
Special Education Administrator