Visual Impairment & Orientation and Mobility

  • Visual Impairment (VI) & Orientation and Mobility (O&M)

    ~Visual Impairment Services Department~

    NAC defines “Visual Impairment” to mean an impairment which, despite correction, adversely affects or will adversely affect the ability of a student to benefit from or participate in an educational program without the assistance of special education.


    Certified Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) and Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS) provide much assistance to our students, families, and schools.  These roles and responsibilities include but are not limited to:




    • Review and interpretation of medical reports and eye care professional reports
    • Conduct comprehension assessments to evaluate student strengths and needs and to inform IEP Team in their decision-making process
    • Assessments may include functional vision assessments, learning media assessments, technology assessments, and Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) assessments
    • Make recommendations to the IEP Team to account for individualized student needs to include adaptations to learning materials, learning environment, learning strategies, etc.
    • Provide written input into student’s individualized education plan, development of goals and provide updated progress towards these goals
    • Provide student with necessary direct instruction and/or consultative supports to ensure that student has access to their developmental or academic curriculum as well as ECC
    • Students serviced may include students who are blind or partially sighted, those with multiple impairments or students with deaf-blindness
    • Direct instruction may include UEB braille, Nemeth Code, music braille, etc. and/or low vision skills and strategies, assistive technology and ECC
    •  Provide support, collaboration, training, and consultation with student, family and other IEP Team members on strategies, skills, and/or technology




    • Review and interpretation of medical reports and eye care professional reports
    • Conduct comprehension assessments to evaluate student strengths and needs and to inform IEP Team in their decision-making process
    • Assessments may include a variety of settings: classroom, school, playground, residential, community and may include a variety of environmental factors: familiar, unfamiliar, daylight, evening
    • Make recommendations to the IEP Team to account for individualized students' needs to include skills and strategies for student to understand one’s position in the environment and to move as safely, efficiently, and independently as possible
    • Provide written input into student’s individualized education plan, development of goals and provide updated progress towards these goals
    • Provide student with necessary direct instruction and/or consultative supports to ensure that student has necessary concept development, environmental and community awareness, and motor development as well as development of good gross and fine motor abilities, spatial and environmental concepts and maximum use of senses are important prerequisites for formal orientation instruction such as cane instruction, street crossings, and bus travel, assistive technology and ECC
    • Provide support, collaboration, and consultation with student, family and other IEP Team members on strategies, skills, and/or technology



    Contact Information:

    Trisha Lozano 

    Special Education Administrator
