Assessments in High School

  • Which assessments will students take in high school?

    State and district administered assessments:
    • Assessments used to determine appropriate learning pathways:
      • PSAT, ACT with Writing (CCR assessment)
    • Assessments required for graduation* and/or state & federal accountability**
      • College and Career Readiness/CCR assessment (ACT with Writing) < graduation requirement
      • Civics Examination < graduation requirement
      • High School Science assessment (Life/Biology standards)
      • Nevada Alternate for Grade 11 (alternative diploma candidates)
    • Assessments taken at the conclusion of an academic course or program of study:
      • CTE exams, Semester finals (classroom, district, state), AP exams
    *Nevada Revised Statute 389.009, 390.600-390.610
    **Nevada Revised Statute 390.105
    Students are encouraged to participate in other national assessments to be eligible for scholarships and skills certificates. Achievement on some assessments may qualify a student for specific diploma types, endorsements, certificates, or seals. See Graduation Requirements & Diploma Types, click HERE