• Nevada's Read by Grade 3 Program

    NRS 388.157 

    NV AB289 | 2019


    MAP Growth Reading: Grades K-3

    MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress. MAP Growth is a computer-adaptive benchmark assessment that provides a different, personalized test for each student. Depending on how a student answers each question, the test adjusts in difficulty. This allows students with widely varying skill levels – from struggling to advanced – to take a test that is well-suited to their needs. Teachers are able to access results immediately after a test is completed. Each test provides detailed teacher reports that show skills students are proficient in and what they are ready to work on next.

    When are students assessed?

    • MAP Growth Reading is administered in fall, winter, and spring

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    Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA)

    A Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) is required by Nevada law. Entering kindergarten students are assessed upon entry between 15 days before school starts to 45 days after school starts. The assessment is used to inform instruction. 

    • Screening is typically completed within 15-20 minutes.
    • Screening enables teachers to gather information about a child’s strengths and areas for growth in key developmental skills.

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