- Washoe County School District
- Smarter Balanced Interim+
Smarter Balanced Tools and Resources
Smarter Balanced is committed to transparency, so that anyone can see how the test is made and access resources including item and task specifications, test blueprints, and content specifications.
Smarter Balanced Resources (Public)
- What is Smarter Content Explorer? (informational flyer)
Educator Resources (may require user to log in)
Access to member state resources for Nevada licensed educators is managed by individual school districts. WCSD educators, request a user account or update your access by contacting AssessmentSupport@washoeschools.net
On-Demand Demonstrations
Content Explorer
- Smarter Balanced Content Explorer (YouTube, 6:44); how to use
- Demo I (May 2020, YouTube, 4:54); navigation demonstration
- Demo II, 2021 Updates (June 2021, YouTube, 2:49)
Sample Items
- Demo: Site Navigation and Print Function (March 2020, 5:39)
Get to know Tools for Teachers
- What is Tools for Teachers (portal)? (YouTube, 1:33)
- Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers (YouTube, 7:01); introduction to the portal
- Using the Interim Assessment Item Portal (IAIP) (YouTube, 6:27)
- First-Time Users--Tools for Teachers Demonstration (YouTube, 19:52); comprehensive tour
Getting Started with Interim Assessments
Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments Overview (pdf) — This document describes the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments, including their purpose, use, and varieties. For ELA and mathematics, this document provides a list of interim assessments available for the current school year.
- The Smarter Balanced library of interim assessments in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics provides educators with questions similar to those on the Nevada summative tests in grades 3-8.
- The Interim Assessment Item Portal (IAIP) allows teachers to use individual test items in flexible ways to support student learning and instruction in grade level standards.
- The interim assessments and interim assessment items are student and teacher facing; they are not for public use, display, or distribution.
Interim Assessment Blocks
Focused on a smaller set of related content to provide more detail on the tested content and information for instructional purposes.
Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) BlueprintsFocused Interim Assessment Blocks (FIAB) Blueprints
Interim Comprehensive Assessments
Assess the same content, and similar in length and structure as the summative assessments. (Not recommended for instructional activities, formative process).
Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) Blueprints