Smarter Balanced Tools and Resources

Getting Started with Interim Assessments

  • Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments Overview (pdf) — This document describes the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments, including their purpose, use, and varieties. For ELA and mathematics, this document provides a list of interim assessments available for the current school year.

    • The Smarter Balanced library of interim assessments in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics provides educators with questions similar to those on the Nevada summative tests in grades 3-8.
    • The Interim Assessment Item Portal (IAIP) allows teachers to use individual test items in flexible ways to support student learning and instruction in grade level standards.
    • The interim assessments and interim assessment items are student and teacher facing; they are not for public use, display, or distribution.
    image of teacher led discussion about displayed content

Interim Assessment Blocks

Interim Comprehensive Assessments

  • Assess the same content, and similar in length and structure as the summative assessments. (Not recommended for instructional activities, formative process).

    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) Blueprints
