- Washoe County School District
- Board Meeting Archive
- 2023 Board Archive
Board of Trustees
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12-12-2023 Regular Meeting
Appointment of Dr. Kristen McNeill as Interim Superintendent; approval of the final Facility Modernization Plan; and announcement of the winners of the 13th Annual Holiday Card Contest.
11-28-2023 Regular Meeting
Approval of the recommendations of the Zoning Advisory Committee to modify attendance zone boundaries for elementary schools in the Spanish Springs area; Quality of Education presentation on Goal 2, Student Voice; and presentation on the final draft of the District-wide Facility Modernization Plan
11-14-2023 Regular Meeting
Acceptance of Annual Comprehensive Financial Report; adoption of Board Resolutions honoring Veterans, recognizing Native American Heritage Month, and recognizing National Apprenticeship Week; approval of Safe and Healthy Schools Commission recommendations related to the development of a comprehensive vaping prevention strategy and single point of entry high school pilot programs; and approval of the new organizational chart and associated costs for the Office of Talent and Professional Growth Systems
10-24-2023 Regular Meeting
Presentation from Junior Achievement; quality of education presentation on safety and belonging data; and approval of the negotiated agreements with Washoe County School Police Officers Association and Washoe Education Association
10-24-2023 Special Meeting
Approval of the superintendent evaluation for Dr. Susan Enfield for the 2022-23 School Year
10-10-2023 Regular Meeting
Renaming of North Valleys High School gymnasium in honor of Richard Peraldo; approval of changes to the negotiated agreement with the Washoe Education Support Professionals Association; update on electric school bus pilot program; and Quality of Education presentation
09-26-2023 Regular Meeting
Presentation of excellence targets for strategic plan goals; presentation of preliminary budget for strategic plan; and adoption of Washoe County School District Board Resolution 23-018
09-12-2023 Regular Meeting
Adoption of Board Resolution 23-017, recognizing September as Attendance Awareness Month; presentation from PBS Reno; direction to begin enrollment rezoning process for Spanish Springs area elementary schools; approval of the 2023-24 Behavior Manual; and end of the moratorium on Board Policy 9070
08-22-2023 Regular Meeting
Approval of Group Health Insurance Committee recommendations regarding rate increases and changes to benefits for Plan Year 2024; presentation on Goal 3, Safety and Belonging, of the strategic plan; and video presentation from students, staff, and families on their first day of school experiences
08-08-2023 Regular Meeting
Vaughn Middle School Rebuild design phase funding and introduction of new principals
07-25-2023 Regular Meeting
Presentation on communication and community engagement events during the 2022-23 School Year; approval of GMP2 for Debbie Smith Career and Technical Education Academy; approval of the 2023-24 draft Behavior Manual; approval of the proposed 4th and 5th grade SHARE curricula
06-27-2023 Regular Meeting
Resolutions to Augment the FY23 Budget; approval of the FY24 Amended Final Budget; approval of 2022/23 'D' Major Projects Program; approval of revised 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan; and direction regarding the draft Behavior Manual for the 2023-24 School Year
06-20-2023 Special Meeting
Trustee self-evaluation and approval of indicators for the 2023-24 Superintendent Evaluation
06-13-2023 Regular Meeting
Approval of strategic plan; recommendations for Fiscal Year 24 Amended Final Budget; and approval of middle school English language arts and science instructional materials.
05-23-2023 Regular Meeting
Adoption of Board Resolution 22-004; Quality of Education presentation on Native American Culture and Education Programming; Quality of Education - School Spotlight presentation from Desert Heights Elementary School; and approval of employee benefit eligibility waiting period to 0 days
05-23-2023 Work Session
Behavior Manual Revision Update; Public Hearing on FY24 Tentative Budget; and approval of FY24 Final Budget
05-09-2023 Regular Meeting
Educator Appreciation Week Resolution; National Mental Health Awareness Month Resolution; School spotlight presentation from Edward C. Reed High School; approval of middle and high school social studies instructional materials; and presentation on School Police Department
04-25-2023 Regular Meeting
Legislative Update; approval of 2022/23 'C' Major Projects Program; approval of Washoe County School District's Fiscal Year 2024-2028, Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan; and Quality of Education presentation on assessment data for students receiving special education services
04-11-2023 Regular Meeting
Approval of i-Ready Math and ELA site licenses for elementary and middle schools; update of strategic planning process; approval of changes to attendance zone boundaries for Procter R. Hug High School and Robert McQueen High School; Quality of Education - School Spotlight presentation from Libby Booth Elementary School; and approval of donation of real property in Wadsworth, Nevada to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
03-14-2023 Regular Meeting
Approval of GMP 1 for Debbie Smith CTE Academy, presentations on staff trainings and legislation related student behavior; approval of the project plan for revisions to the Behavior Manual; approval of goals for the Safe and Healthy Schools Commission; and approval of agreement with Centegix
02-28-2023 Regular Meeting
Presentation on the District-wide Facility Modernization Plan; Update on the strategic planning process; and Quality of Education report on English Language Learners' data
02-14-2023 Regular Meeting
Presentation on the Governor's Recommended Biennial Budget; Board Resolution 23-001; and Quality of Education - School Spotlight presentation from Darrel C. Swope Middle School