• The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees is committed to the continuous improvement of employees of the District, including themselves.  The Board of Trustees believes that only through professional development, training, and continuing education can the District fully reach the goal of Every Child by Name and Face to Graduation. 


    The Board of Trustees receives training and professional development hosted by various local, state, and national organizations, including but not limited to the Washoe County School District's Board Services Department, Nevada Association of School Boards, Nevada Office of the Attorney General, Nevada Commission on Ethics, and the National School Boards Association.


    Nevada Revised Statute 386.327 requires at least 6 hours of training/professional development for members of school district board of trustees during their first and third years of each term of office to include, but not limited:

    1. Law relating to public record, including the provisions of Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 239;
    2. Nevada's Open Meeting Law (Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 241);
    3. Local government employee-management relations, including the provisions of Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 288;
    4. K-12 public education in Nevada, including Nevada Revised Statutes Title 34;
    5. Government ethics, including Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 281A;
    6. Identifying and preventing violence in public schools, to include sexual violence;
    7. Financial management related to oversight, accountability, and audits;
    8. Fiduciary duties of members of the board of trustees; and
    9. Laws related to employment and contracts.


    Members of the Board of Trustees may complete the requirements through training and professional development opportunities at the local, state, and national level when appropriate.  Trustees must provide written certification of trainings, which is retained by the Department of Board Services.


    All Trustees completed the 6 hours of training/professional development in 2023.