- Washoe County School District
- Abbreviations Guide
Abbreviations Guide for Assessment
ACT - college readiness/entrance examination administered by ACT, Inc.
AAPPL - ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages
- ACTFL=American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
ALD - achievement level descriptor
AP - Advanced Placement (College Board)
ASL - American Sign Language
ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test
BR - braille
CAT - computer adaptive test
CC - closed captioning
CCR - college and career readiness
CBE - credit by exam
CCSS - Common Core State Standards
COS - Central Office Services (DRC)
CRT - criterion-referenced test
CTE - career and technical education
DOK - depth of knowledge
DRC - Data Recognition Corporation
EL - English learner
- MLL - Multilingual learner
ELA - English language arts/literacy
ELP - English language proficiency (assessment)
ES - elementary school (grades PK-5 or K-5; PK=pre-kindergarten, K=kindergarten)
FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
HS - high school (grades 9-12)
IAB - Interim Assessment Blocks
IB - International Baccalaureate
IC - Infinite Campus (SIS=student information system)
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP - individualized education plan
KEA - kindergarten entry assessment
LEA - local education agency
LP - large-print
MAP - Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA)
MS - middle school (grades 6, 7, 8)
NAA - Nevada Alternate Assessment
NAC - Nevada Administrative Code
NCRC - National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys NCRC)
NDE - Nevada Department of Education
NGSS - Next Generation Science Standards
NVACS - Nevada Academic Content Standards
NMSQT - National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (College Board)
NRS - Nevada Revised Statute
OWINN - Office of Workforce Innovation ("GOWINN" Governor's OWINN)
PSAT - Preliminary SAT (College Board)
PT - performance task
SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language (allows for single-sign on to application)
SAT - college readiness/entrance examination administered by the College Board
SB - Smarter Balanced (assessment)
- SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
SEM - standard error of measurement
SSO - single-sign on
STC - school test coordinator
STT - speech to text (voice to text)
TA - test administrator
TAM - Test Administrator's Manual or Test Administration Manual
TCM - Test Coordinator's Manual
TTS - text-to-speech
UAAG - Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guide
VSL - video sign language
WCSD - Washoe County School District
WIDA - (a consortium originating with three states: Wisconsin, Deleware,and Arkansas)
- ACTFL=American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages