Suicide Intervention & Resources




    Mental Health Resources

    • Suicide & Crisis Lifeline   988
    • Lifeline USA 1-800-273-8255
    • Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-TALK (8255)
    • De Prevencion del Suicido  1-888-628-9454
    • Crisis Call Center- Text line  - text “CARE” to 839863
    • Reno Behavioral Healthcare Hospital - 775-393-2200
    • Crisis Support Services 775-784-8090
    • Hotline: 877-885-HOPE (4673)
    • Hotline: 800-992-5757
    • Mobile Crisis Response Team Hotline 775-688-1670
    • National Hopeline Network 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
    "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
    a listening ear, an honest compliment
    or the smallest act of  kindness."
    -Leo Buscaglia
    Through our work at Washoe County School District, we encounter many students, parents, and colleagues who will someday, sometime, somewhere likely need to know what to do, what to say, and how to reach another person regarding the issue of suicide.
     Crisis Support Services of Nevada
     NV Suicide Prevention
    Know the signs:
    (Adapted from the Crisis Call Center, United Way, the American Association of Suicidology Hotline, and the Nevada Division of Mental Health and Development Services pamphlet)
    • Experiencing a long bout of unhappiness

    • Has experienced one or more major losses-death, job loss, and failure at school or at home, loss of a relationship- break-up or divorce in the family.

    • Health problems or major illness

    • Experiencing insomnia or sleeping too much

    • Decrease in self care- messier appearance, tardiness, and absence

    • Experiencing loss of appetite or overeating

    • Increasingly isolated-avoiding friends, less participation in activities and classes, dropping out or quitting things that they loved or cared about before.

    • Giving away prized possessions- arranging delivery of notes to the family "in a couple of days, if anything should ever happen to me".

    • Visiting long missed friends/relatives/ and apologizing for forgotten arguments.

    • Doing poorly in school or at work

    • Abusing drugs or alcohol either beginning to use or an increase in use.

    • Suddenly happy after a long depression.

    • Making statements about wanting to die or be gone- listening, composing and collecting music or poems about death, suicide, or afterlife.



    Know the facts:


    • Very often if people in crisis get the help they need, they may never be suicidal again.
    • Asking someone about suicidal intent opens up communication, lowers the risk of an impulsive act, and helps with anxiety.
    • Suicide prevention is everyone's business, anyone can help to prevent the tragedy of suicide, not just the experts, and talking about prevention does not encourage it or make it more likely.
    • Suicidal people share their plans sometimes even the week preceding their attempt, and those who talk about it may try or even complete an act of self-destruction.
    • Suicide is the MOST preventable kind of death and almost any positive action can help save a life.
    • The more clues and warning signs observed the greater the risk. Take all the signs seriously.


     Other Resources