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- Counselor & Social work PD
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2020 Summer/ School Counselor & Social Work PD
1. What options do I have to work on my 15 hours (on contract time) of required Professional Development prior to school starting?
- ASCA@Home conference-https://www.ascaconferences.org/
- ASCA U Specialist trainings-https://www.schoolcounselor.org/school-counselors-members/professional-development/asca-u
- ASCA webinars-https://www.schoolcounselor.org/school-counselors/professional-development/webinar-series
- FEMA introduction to Incident Command- https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-100.c
- FEMA IS-700 introduction to National Incident Management System- https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-700.b
- FEMA IS-360 Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents-https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-360
- FEMA IS- 362 Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools- https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-362.a
- SAMSHA prevention week webinars- https://www.samhsa.gov/prevention-week/webinars
- Mindwise webinars (Signs of Suicide)- https://www.mindwise.org/resources/webinars/
- College Board Counselor webinars- https://counselors.collegeboard.org/professional-learning/webinars
- Financial Aid Training- https://financialaidtoolkit.ed.gov/tk/training.jsp
- Second Step upcoming Webinars K-8- https://www.secondstep.org/webinars
- Archived Second Step webinars- https://www.secondstep.org/webinars/on-demand-webinars
- Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center- https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/pacific-southwest-mhttc/home
- MHTTC School Mental Health & Student Learning webinars-click here
- MHTTC General Mental Health Archived webinars- click here
- Nevada Department of Education CEU & webinars- click here
- CASEL- https://casel.org/weekly-webinars/
- Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development (ACSD)- http://www.ascd.org/professional-development/webinars.aspx
- SSWAA Supporting our kids from a distance- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD_k7O1i8-U&feature=youtu.be
- SSWAA Schools are shut down- Providing School Mental Health Supports online-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaT2EbaKPPI&feature=youtu.be
- SSWAA podcasts- https://schoolsocialwork.net/category/podcasts/
- School Mental Health Curriculum overview with MHTTC- TBD (end of July/early August)
***School Counselors & Social Workers- Please save and use the link below to account for your 15 hours of required Professional Development (on contract time). Fill out the form for EACH activity, training, or webinar between now and July 31.
ASCA School Counselor Questions related to in-service credit (off contract time) & professional development (on contract time/15 hours)
2. Can I attend the ASCA@Home virtual conference and receive in-service credit?
- Yes- you can attend the conference and earn up to 3 in-service credits (45 hours) by self-reporting your hours (as required by ASCA) of the keynotes and sessions you attend.
- The ASCA conference certificate must be submitted to the counseling department by July 31st with a list of your sessions attended and total hours completed.
- If you would like to earn in-service credit- Please register through My PGS- https://washoe.truenorthlogic.com/ia/empari/learning2/course/viewCourseSearch?courseId=14268
- All hours must be completed prior to July 31st
- The amount of in-service credit that the Professional Learning Dept. issues will be based on how many hours you complete and report on your ASCA certificate. 7.5 hours= .5 credit, 15 hours= 1 credit, 30 hours=2 credits, or 45 hours= 3 credits.
- ASCA@Home hours can also be uploaded into OPAL at NDE for licensure renewal at any time
3. Can I take an ASCA U specialist training and receive in-service credit
- No. Unfortunately, the format of the specialist trainings (independent work time) does not meet the requirements of in-service credit as outlined by the Professional Learning Department.
- ASCA U specialist trainings do count for licensure renewal and can be uploaded into OPAL at NDE at any time
- You can use the ASCA U Specialist training hours to count towards your 15 hours of professional development (on contract).
4. What if I’m not finished viewing the ASCA@Home conference prior to July 31st?
- You can continue to view the ASCA conference sessions for up to 3 months past the conference date, but you will not receive in-service credit for any time accrued past July 31.
- At your convenience- the conference can be viewed for up to 3 months during non-contract time and you can pay for graduate credit through Lindenwood University.
5. Can I pay for the graduate credit from Lindenwood University for either the ASCA conference or ASCA U class for pay scale advancement?
- Yes, WCSD Human Resources accepts graduate credit from Lindenwood University with an official transcript for pay scale advancement.
- Hours must be completed during non-contract time.
- You cannot combine it with in-service credit. It’s one or the other.
- Please check on the ASCA U website for specialist trainings that meet graduate credit requirements.
6. Can I use the ASCA@Home conference or ASCA U specialist training hours towards my 15 hours of Professional Development required for certified employees prior to school starting?
- Yes, but neither can be combined with in service or Lindenwood graduate credit.
- You can fill out the Microsoft PD accountability form to log your 15 hours of PD from now until July 31st.
- https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SfWsPDZezEGj3olFnhId704gbilBPhBIiCqnYlIaW19UOE9YODlFOU1CNFFRNEtSQkZGMlpTS1dITi4u
- MHTTC School Mental Health & Student Learning webinars-click here
- MHTTC General Mental Health Archived webinars- click here
- Nevada Department of Education CEU & webinars- click here