- Washoe County School District
- Survey and Results
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Surveys and Results
Annual Student Climate and Safety Survey
The survey is intended to provide your schools with data that reflect components of school climate that support a positive and safe learning environment for students. School climate is extremely important in helping us meet our mission of ensuring every student reaches his or her potential. A portion of the data is also used to calculate schools’ Student Engagement points for the WCSD Accountability Framework.- Washoe County School District Climate Safety
- 2018-19 Student Climate and Safety Surveys
- 2019-2020 Student Climate Survey(SP)
- 2019-2020 Student Climate Survey(EN)
- NVSCSEL Combined Survey for Equating
- 2019-2020 Survey Parent-Guardian Notification Form
- Research OnLine Survey
- 2020-2021 School Climate Survey Link
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
The YRBS is a survey of health-related behaviors and was designed in cooperation with federal agencies and numerous state and local departments of education and health. It has become the primary source of information on the most important health risk behaviors of high school students in this country and is increasingly used by leading educators, public health officials, and others to improve school health policies and programs.