- Washoe County School District
- Handle With Care
Page Navigation
- Department Homepage
- Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting
- Counselor & Social work PD
- Community Resources
- College & Career Scholarship
- Emergency Counseling Referrals & Resources
- Fire Recovery Resources
- Recursos Relacionados con Seguridad, Suicidio, Violencia, Abuso de Drogas y Bullying
- School & Student Safety
- Suicide Intervention & Resources
- Survey and Results
- Substance Abuse, Violence and Bullying Resources
- Helping Youth and Students Cope with Scary News and Tragedy
- 504 / Home Hospital
- My Civil Rights and Me!
- Safe Voice Links and Materials
- Handle With Care
- Mental Health Awareness
What is Handle with Care?
- Part of Drug Endangered Children (DEC) initiative mandated under Senate Bill 80.
- Handle with Care requires law enforcement to alert school personnel when a child is exposed to a traumatic event during a first responder call.
- The intention is to notify schools when a student has experienced trauma in case extra support is needed.
- School personnel are simply asked to keep a "caring eye" on the student.
- The ONLY information given is student’s name/date of birth/attending school. No details about the event is given to school personnel.
- Information is sent to teachers with trauma sensitive language/information, as well as, suggestions on how to possibly help the student in the classroom.
- The school personnel are alert and aware in case the student needs anything. It’s a valuable tool to help support students in crisis.