- Washoe County School District
- Substance Abuse, Violence and Bullying Resources
- Substance Intervention & Resources
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Substance Intervention & Resources
Abuse Intervention Program (SAP)
The substance abuse intervention program is taught by state licensed school counselors, teachers and marriage and family therapists as well as school police officers and detectives.If we can be of assistance or answer general questions please call (775)789-3834SAP Student Referral Forms: School Staff Use
Substance Abuse (SAP) Referral Form (Eng)
Substance Abuse (SAP) Referral Form (SP)
Substance Abuse 2nd Offense Referral Form
The classes are designed to provide your child with a new beginning and to encourage them to process behavioral choices. The program is not conducted in a disciplinary fashion but is rather a learning and educational opportunity in lieu of further suspension. Students are required to attend the Substance Abuse Intervention classes with a parent or guardian. The goal is to increase parent and student dialogue about substance abuse in hopes to prevent further occurrences. It is not a place that is appropriate to bring babies and young children.Class Location
Class Times
All classes are at:Wooster High School/Bldg A1331 E Plumb LnReno, NV 89502Classes for Middle School and High School students are:Tuesday night from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.Check-in is from 6:30 pm - 7:00 pmClasses for Elementary students are:Assigned "as needed' by campus administrators.Note concerning the Smoking Intervention session: These classes are available for students attending schools in Washoe County. Open to all High School & Middle School student this may be used for student who voluntarily want to quit smoking as well as those caught smoking on campus. These sessions can be used in lieu of suspension and will inform student of the dangers and long term effects of smoking. This class is held on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Wooster High School. (see above)Other SAP Resources:
Join Together Northern Nevada - JTNN
Every community throughout the country is touched by substance abuse related problems and Washoe County is no different. Whether you’re looking for help with a substance addiction, searching for community data or just want to know more information about the substance abuse issues in our community, JTNN is here for you.
Behavior Health Nevada