- Washoe County School District
- Substance Abuse, Violence and Bullying Resources
- Violence Intervention & Resources
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Violence Intervention & Resources
The violence intervention program is taught by state licensed school counselors, teachers, and marriage and family therapists. This program is hosted by the counseling department.If we can be of assistance or answer general questions, please call (775)850-8012,Counseling Director(775) 721-5284orIf you would like, you may also contact Civil Rights Compliance Director(775)348-0300
VIP Student Referral Forms: School Staff Use
VIP-Violence Intervention Form (ENG)
VIP-Violence Intervention Forms(SP)
The classes are designed to provide your child with a new beginning and to encourage them to process behavioral choices. The program is not conducted in a disciplinary fashion but is rather a learning and educational opportunity in lieu of further suspension. Students are required to attend the Violence Intervention classes with a parent or guardian. The goal is to increase parent and student dialogue about violence in hopes to prevent further occurrences. It is not a place that is appropriate to bring babies and young children.Classes for Middle School and High School students are:Thursday night from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.Check in is from 6:30 pm - 7:00 pmAll classes are at Wooster High School/Bldg AAddress: 1331 E Plumb Ln Reno, NV 89502Classes for Elementary students are:Assigned by campus administrators 'as needed' by sending ES Violence Referral form to the Counseling Office. Fax (775)850-8020Other VIP Resources: