- Washoe County School District
- Alternative Route to Licensure
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Alternative Route to Licensure
The Washoe County School District (WCSD) is authorized by the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) to host a Pre-Service Alternative Route to Licensure (ARL) Program. WCSD's Pre-Service ARL Program takes one semester to complete and consists of 120 hours of unpaid internship along with 120 hours of Boot Camp course work. Upon successful completion, ARL candidates may begin applying for teaching positions in the WCSD. Once an ARL candidate is hired, they must enroll in a college and take courses for a Nevada teaching license. It can take up to three years to complete all licensure requirements.
There are several reasons ARL candidates choose WCSD's Pre-Service ARL Program:
- Free! If you were to attend the "pre-service" portion of an ARL program at a university, you would be paying for 90 graduate credit hours.
- You will be completing two courses required by NDE for licensure: Multicultural Education and Family Engagement. You will not be charged for these courses.
- You will be building relationships with teachers, students, families, and administrators.
- You will find out if you really like teaching!
Per Nevada Administrative Code, the minimum requirements for a candidate to apply for an ARL/conditional license are the following:
- Be accepted and enrolled into an ARL program by an Approved ARL Provider.
- Hold a bachelor's degree (or above) from a post-secondary institution that is regionally accredited.
- Pass competency tests in basic reading, writing, and mathematics.
The WCSD's Pre-Service ARL Program is available for the following high-need teaching areas:
- Elementary:
- Elementary Education,
- Early Childhood Education,
- Special Education (Autism, Early Childhood, Generalist, Hearing Impairment),
- Music
- Secondary:
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Science (Biological, Physical)
- Special Education (Autism, Generalist, Hearing Impairment)
- World Language (Chinese, French, German, Spanish)
Step 1 - Online Application
Access WCSD’s Online Application System and complete a Certified application.
If you do not currently possess some type of license issued by the Nevada Department of Education (i.e. substitute teaching license), please enter “ARL” in all the required fields on the "Licensing" page so that the system recognizes there is a record entered. Make sure you have two professional confidential references returned and upload your unofficial transcripts to the "Attachments" page.
Step 2 – Praxis Core, CBEST, or have taken the SAT/ACT exam within the last 10 years
All WCSD Pre-Service ARL Program candidates must pass the Praxis Core or CBEST or have taken the SAT/ACT exam within the last 10 years. Upload the exam results to the "Attachments" page of your WCSD certified application.
Step 3 – Become a Guest Teacher (Substitute Teacher) in WCSD
- Apply for a substitute teaching license with the Nevada Department of Education
- When you have received your substitute license, do the following:
- Update your certified application in the licensure section: WCSD Certified Application
- Apply for the "Guest Teacher (Substitute Teacher)" position on our certified job opportunities section of our website
- Send an email to our sub office at suboffice@washoeschools.net and ask to be a substitute teacher in the WCSD.
- It can take from 8 to 12 weeks to obtain a license from the Nevada Department of Education, so begin now!
Step 4 – Contact the ARL Coordinator
- Contact the ARL Coordinator regarding your interest in applying for WCSD's Pre-Service ARL Program: Dr. Janet Pulleyn, (775) 325-2075 or jpulleyn@washoeschools.net.
- You must attend an Info Session. Dates and times are listed below.
Step 5 – Orientation, Internship & Boot Camp
- Orientation – Attend a mandatory Orientation before the semester begins with the ARL Coordinator.
- Internship – 120 hours of in-class observation and participation
- Midway Meeting – Once the ARL candidate has reached the midway point (60 hours) of their internship, a meeting with the ARL Coordinator, ARL Candidate, and the ARL Candidate's Lead Teacher will be held.
- Boot Camp – 120 hours of professional development training
- Praxis Testing for Secondary Teachers – Secondary Teachers (Math, Science, Language, Physical Education and Music) must pass content-specific Praxis exams before they are allowed to go into our hiring pools and apply for positions
Step 6 – Lesson Observation
WCSD Pre-Service ARL Program candidates will teach a content lesson in their Lead Teacher's classroom and be observed by the ARL Coordinator.
Step 7 - School Site Interviews and Hiring
WCSD Pre-Service ARL Program candidates may interview with school leaders for specific content area positions until hired.
Step 8 – Program Planning Meeting – Mentor Assigned
WCSD Pre-Service ARL Program candidates will meet with the WCSD’s Licensing Technician to complete a final review of transcripts, testing scores and to develop their ARL Program Plan - scheduling out the remaining license provisions and requirements to be completed during the course of the next three years.
Step 9 – Apply for Conditional License
Once a WCSD Pre-Service ARL Program candidate is hired, they will receive a certificate that allows them to apply for a conditional license for the State of Nevada. This license is good for three years and will have requirements and provisions that must be satisfied before the end of the three-year period.
Step 10 – Educational Program Coursework/Begin Teaching
WCSD's Pre-Service ARL Program candidates work in the classroom for up to three years while they complete the coursework and testing provisions required to be satisfied on their conditional license. Once those requirements have been met, the candidate is issued a standard teaching credential license.
Upcoming WCSD Pre-Service ARL Program Information Sessions
If you are interested in learning about WCSD's Pre-Service ARL Program, please attend a mandatory Info Session. Click on the link below for dates and Zoom link to attend:
- Info Sessions for Fall 2025 Cohort
- ARL - FAQ - Many of your WCSD Pre-Service ARL Program questions are answered here.
- For more questions, please email Dr. Janet Pulleyn
Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web-Accessibility
The District prohibits bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation in any of its educational programs/activities, employment, and employment opportunities. For the District's full Notice of Non-Discrimination statement as well as methods to address questions and concerns please visit our Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility page.
For more information, visit the Civil Rights Compliance Department page.El Distrito prohíbe la intimidación, la intimidación cibernética, el acoso, el acoso sexual, la discriminación y / o las represalias en cualquiera de sus programas / actividades educativas, empleo y oportunidades de empleo. Para obtener la declaración completa del Aviso de No Discriminación del Distrito, así como los métodos para abordar preguntas e inquietudes, visite nuestra página de Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility
Para más información visite Civil Rights Compliance Department page.