- Washoe County School District
- Who is your Benefits Specialist?
Each employee and retiree has a benefits specialist assigned to them, to help answer any questions. This is based on last name.
- Last Name A-E: Max Souza: Max.Souza@washoeschools.net
- Last Name F-L: Veronica Cordova: veronica.cordova@washoeschools.net
- Last name M-R: Jacky Juarez: jacquelin.juarez@washoeschools.net
- Last Name S-Z: Stephanie Pohl-Burfield: s.pohlburfield@washoeschools.net
Benefits Supervisor: Xiomara Interiano: XInteriano@WashoeSchools.net
Benefits Manager: Mackenzie Howren: Mackenzie.Howren@WashoeSchools.net