• Tronix
    Successful completion makes eligible for: Roller Coaster, Bridge Design, NXT
    Prerequisites: Zome Geo, Scratch

    ​1. To learn about circuits and their everyday use.
    2. To understand how circuits work and how to properly make a circuit/wire one.
    3. To understand how to properly make a circuit/wire one.
    4. Document your learning process

    INTRODUCTION:  Using PowerPoint, create a title and introduction slide. These slides must have the authors first and last name. The objectives must be REWRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS. The presentation must be aesthetically pleasing and grammatically correct.

    1.  In order to make and complete the circuit
    2.  you must take the wire and connector and place positive to positive and negative to negative in order for circuits to run.
    3. Hint: never hook up power to a circuit until the circuit is completed.
    4. Play around with the circuit and explore with the different circuits and come out with something COOL! Build a circuit with a motor, a buzzer circuit, a traffic light circuit layout, and a simple circuit.

    1.  Find a picture that defines the below term:

    • Current
    • Voltage
    • Power (as it relates to this project)
    • resisters, circuit
    • ohm’s law
    • Kirchhoff’s law
    • Transistors
    • Diodes
    1. You will be expected to explain each of these terms in your own words as well.

    1. Why do lightbulbs burn out?  
    2. How could you design a better lightbulb?

    2. Build a stop light using the previous circuits you built. Use the red, green, and yellow light.
    3. Can you set the time for each circuit? Can you make it 4 way stop?

    1. Choose one of the four C’s and tell us the strengths AND challenges your group faced through this engagement  (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, OR Critical Thinking).
    2. What have you learned about yourself or group using the C chosen?
    3. What advice, specific to THIS engagement would you give a group starting this engagement