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Team Bryant
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Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are extremely happy to have Team Alpha back in the building at full capacity this year! We're hoping, as we're sure you are as well, that we aren't thrown too many curve balls this time around. We are looking forward to a consistent year, and more time educating your child! As you well know, education starts at home and is the foundation of a child's educational success! As such, we will make sure to update you with announcements both on our home page here, and through IC messengers as much as necessary, hopefully without overloading families! To get the ball rolling and keep things simple, here is what you can expect from the first week with our team:
- Expect teachers to be sending home a syllabus for EACH class. These will likely require a parent/guardian signature, and will house all of the most important information about each class.
- A team letter will be sent home with your child on the first day of school. This will include team contact info, general information, and will also require signatures from a parent or guardian.
Contact Us
Mr. Bryant: sean.bryant@washoeschools.net
Mr. Gibbons: joshua.gibbons@washoeschools.net
Mr. Rowe: browe@washoeschools.net
Microsoft Teams
**Directions for Microsoft Teams:
- Go to WCSD Website
- Under Quick Links, click on Office 365
- Log in using Student ID number and password
- Example- 1234567@washoeschools.org
- Click on blue Teams Icon
- Click on subject, then your class period
- Click on the Assignments tab to find assignments, read through the previous posts if needed
Click here to watch this video on how to use Microsoft Teams
COVID-19 Info
WCSD will continue to follow the Governor's directives regarding the pandemic this school year. You can find more information about the full guidelines below:
2021-2022 Back to School Opening GuideGuía para la apertura Año escolar del 2021-2022
Don't forget to wear your mask and wash your hands everyday! Make sure to use the Self Screening Tool before you come to school. You can find more information here.
All students will receive free breakfast and lunch this school year. You can find more information here and read the media release below:
Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web-Accessibility
The District prohibits bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation in any of its educational programs/activities, employment, and employment opportunities. For the District's full Notice of Non-Discrimination statement as well as methods to address questions and concerns please visit our Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility page.
For more information, visit the Civil Rights Compliance Department page.El Distrito prohíbe la intimidación, la intimidación cibernética, el acoso, el acoso sexual, la discriminación y / o las represalias en cualquiera de sus programas / actividades educativas, empleo y oportunidades de empleo. Para obtener la declaración completa del Aviso de No Discriminación del Distrito, así como los métodos para abordar preguntas e inquietudes, visite nuestra página de Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility
Para más información visite Civil Rights Compliance Department page.