
  • Welcome to Mr. Coleman's English Language Arts class.

     8th grade can be an adventure in discovering your voice.

    The two main concepts we focus on are understanding information and expressing so we are understood. 

    Using Standards-Based Grading allows students to identify their strengths and concerns to set goals that provide growth in their learning and prepare them with the tools for high school, college, careers and an active participant in life.


    Be a voice, not an echo

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Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web-Accessibility

  • The District prohibits bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation in any of its educational programs/activities, employment, and employment opportunities.  For the District's full Notice of Non-Discrimination statement as well as methods to address questions and concerns please visit our Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility page.

    For more information, visit the Civil Rights Compliance Department page.

    El Distrito prohíbe la intimidación, la intimidación cibernética, el acoso, el acoso sexual, la discriminación y / o las represalias en cualquiera de sus programas / actividades educativas, empleo y oportunidades de empleo. Para obtener la declaración completa del Aviso de No Discriminación del Distrito, así como los métodos para abordar preguntas e inquietudes, visite nuestra página de Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility

    Para más información visite   Civil Rights Compliance Department page.