Welcome to Background Services

  • The background office is now accepting appointments for background checks and badge printing. 

    Click for Bookings


    Employees, Substitute Teachers: 58.50 Payroll Deduction

    Ind. Contractors: 58.50 cash, check or debit.

    Until further notice Paid Coaches are required to pay up-front: 58.50 check or debit


    For Volunteer Fingerprinting, contact Volunteer Services


    Background Services is done at the HR Welcome Center which is located at 425 East Ninth Street in the main School District Administration building, room A-004 near Human Resources (Building A - Look for the gold railing).


    Who Needs Fingerprinting?

    • Volunteers who work with students or chaperone students without staff members present (even if it is only one day a year).
    • Volunteers who volunteer for overnight trips.
    • Volunteers who volunteer for out of state trips (even if it is only one day).
    • New Employees:
      • ESP
      • Substitutes
      • Certified
    • Coaches (non-paid/paid).
    • Independent Contractors (Determined by Contract).
    • ESP Employees who have been with the District for five years or more. 

    *Certified employees who have been with District for five years or more only need a new badge printed and a wants and warrants check.

    *You must have your volunteer applications completed and signed by school administration before being fingerprinting.

    *This office does not fingerprint for teaching licensure. 


    Please Click Here for the Most up to date Volunteer Form


Contact Us

  • Monday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm

    Closed for Lunch 12-1pm 
