How do schools prepare students for emergencies?

During the school year, each school is required to conduct emergency drills in the event of an evacuation, earthquake, a Secured Campus or a lockdown lockdown, with at least half of all drills related to Lockdowns.

Evacuation – more commonly known as “Fire Drills,” students learn how and when to exit a building safely in the event of an evacuation.  Students are led to the primary and secondary evacuation points so they are aware of where to go if they are not in their classroom if an evacuation is called.

Earthquake – school sites teach students what to do in the event of an earthquake in the area.  If an actual earthquake does occur, evacuation of the building(s) may also occur.

Secured Campus (also known as shelter in place) – all building doors are locked and students and staff remain in the building.  Instruction in the classrooms continues as normal and the school remains in a heightened state of alertness and security condition until the hazard has subsided. WCSD School Police will be on site for the duration of the incident.

Lockdown –building doors are locked, instruction ceases and all students and staff move into areas of safety.  Students and staff will remain in lockdown until released by Washoe County School District School Police.