WCSD Board of Trustees Honors Students for “Phone Away & Learn Today” 

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For Immediate Release
Contact: Victoria Campbell

WCSD Board of Trustees Honors Students for “Phone Away & Learn Today” 

Reno, NV (January 15, 2025) — At its public meeting this week, the Washoe County School District (WCSD) Board of Trustees honored 12 students for their creative work in promoting the district’s “Phone Away & Learn Today” policy for managing personal electronic devices. 

The winning students represent Incline Middle School and AACT, Reno, Spanish Springs, and Wooster high schools. 

“Student voice is integral to everything we do as a district, and we are proud of these students’ work and grateful for their support of this new policy,” said Board President Beth Smith. “’Phone Away & Learn Today’ is designed to ensure students are focused on their classroom work during class time, and these students are encouraging their peers to put their phones and devices away in order to stay fully engaged in their studies. The winning campaigns are so innovative, and it is our pleasure to honor these students for their commitment to their education.”

The winning submissions are available at www.washoeschools.net/cellphone, where you may access award-winning campaigns created by:

  • Incline Middle School student Isabella Bascunan Fernandez, who enlisted the help of her classmates to produce her videos in English and Spanish
  • AACT High School students Gavin Cates, Jack Egan, Arek Engelke, Sonia Gustavson, and Gio Whittey, who focused on the distractions caused by electronic devices during study time in their video
  • Reno High School students Liepa Etchegoyhen, Colin Pilcher, Bebe Slater, and Sophia Valdez, who illustrated how simple it is to put electronic devices aside in order to concentrate on schoolwork
  • Spanish Springs High School student Sophia Anderson, who created a colorful flier with a “Phone Away & Learn Today” reminder to students
  • Wooster High School student Madeline Fisher, who created fliers in English and Spanish with more information about the effort to eliminate distractions to learning with the new policy.

Board members highlighted each of the winning submissions and praised the students for their creative approach to promoting the new district-wide policy. Each student was photographed with the Board and was awarded a gift certificate generously provided by Scheels. 



Washoe County School District’s promise is to know every student by name, strength and need so they graduate prepared for the future they choose, and we will deliver on this promise in partnership with our families and community.


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