- Washoe County School District
- Children in Transition (CIT) Homepage
- Information for Families
Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act through the Washoe County School District program, Children in Transition (CIT).
Housing circumstances that are eligible:
- In a shelter
- In a hotel/motel
- In a car, park, abandoned building, or somewhere else not typically designed for living in
- Temporarily staying with friends, family members, or others, due to loss of housing and/or financial hardship
Eligible Student Rights:
- Receive a free public education
- Enrollment in the student’s zoned area school immediately, even if lacking documentation such as birth certificate, immunizations and/or immunization records, and/or proof of address
- Continued enrollment at the student’s school of origin, the school the student attended when last permanently housed or the school in which the student was last enrolled*
- Receive transportation resources to and from the school of origin if requested*
- Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students according to individual needs
- Receive free school meals provided by the student’s school
Application for Eligibility: Please complete the CIT Eligibility Application below. Upon submission, a CIT Liaison will contact you with appropriate resources or referrals.
Every school has one (or more) advocates to assist you with accessing resources through CIT. Please contact your student's school counselor to find out who the CIT advocate is.
*Transportation resources include a Washoe County School District Bus. If a school bus is denied due to lack of feasibility, CIT can offer subsequent resources such as city bus passes or gas mileage reimbursement for those families who have a vehicle. If all options are exhausted, it may be determined that it is in the student's best interest to attend the school in which the student is in the zoned area for.
*CIT has access to help families with urgent temporary transportation to ensure students attend school regularly. If your student needs help getting to school, please contact your student’s school counselor or CIT Transportation Liaison, Charlene Rutt, charlene.rutt@washoeschools.net at or 775-353-6936.
*If a parent/legal guardian/unaccompanied homeless youth does not agree with the best interest determination decision of the school district, the district must provide the parent/legal guardian/unaccompanied homeless youth with a written explanation of its position and inform you of your right to appeal the decision. Homeless Education Dispute Form