- Washoe County School District
- Accounts Payable Knowledge Center
Visit this page for Accounts Payable tips and tricks, information, and updates on processes.
Important Reminders from AP
- Most orders require a Purchase Order. This should be entered well before you need the products or services.
- When entering a PR in BusinessPLUS, you should include the vendor product # in the Item Description field, in addition to a full description of what you are buying.
- Please include a shipping line on all PR’s. It will either be a shipping line with a dollar amount noted, or a $0 shipping line.
- If vendors are sending you invoices, then AP is not getting them. As a reminder, all invoices need to be sent to ap@washoeschools.net in order to be processed.
Check out the BusinessPLUS Tutorials page for helpful links to job aids and videos. The subjects are listed alphabetically. Check out the "P" section for Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders.
Purchase Request Entry Top 10 Reminders
Purchase Order Receiving Top 5 Reminers
Please contact anyone in the AP Office with your questions at 775-348-0311, or you can contact the AP Supervisor directly at 775-348-0274.