Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is changing with transportation?

    The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees has voted to shorten “walk zones” for students who walk to and from school. The changes go into effect on Tuesday, February 20. As a result of these changes, about 2,600 more students will now be able to ride the bus to school every day in WCSD. 

    Beginning February 20, 2024, elementary school students who live more than one mile from their school can ride the bus. And middle school students who live more than two miles from their school can ride the bus to school.

    There is no change in the walk zone for high school students, who must live more than three miles from their school to ride the bus.

    Student identification is required to ride the bus for safety and attendance reasons.

    Special education transportation is not affected by the change in walking distances. Students receiving special education transportation will continue to receive transportation as scheduled, including pre-k students.

    What will this mean for my student, who doesn’t currently ride the school bus?

    Although more students can ride the school bus to and from campus, not all students will be affected by these changes. Please look for the e-Link to see if your student is impacted.

    What does this mean for my student, who currently rides the bus?

    All elementary, middle, and high school students who currently ride the bus will continue to ride. But current riders at all grade levels will likely experience a change in:

    • Bus pickup and drop-off times
    • Bus pickup and drop-off locations
    • Bus numbers

    In addition, for safety and attendance purposes, student riders should carry their Student ID when riding the bus to and from school. Students should arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled pickup time.

    Updated route information for AACT/IB and SWAS can be found on this page's tabs; updated Winter Bus Stops will be available on February 20, 2024.

    Who is eligible to ride the school bus, and how is the distance between a school and a student’s residence measured to determine students' eligibility for transportation?
    Transportation of students by bus will be considered under the following conditions:

    1. Elementary students are eligible if the shortest walking distance is more than 1 mile.
    2. Middle school students are eligible if the shortest walking distance is more than 2 miles.
    3. High school students are eligible if the shortest walking distance is more than 3 miles.

    Where can I call if I have questions?

    We urge you to check the link above before February 20 to familiarize yourself and your students with the new transportation procedures and how they affect your family.

    If you have questions, please call the WCSD Transportation Department at (775) 337-7769.

    I'm having trouble accessing the e-Link to verify the bus information.

    Access to e-Link on District networks has recently had some issues we are working to resolve. If taken to a site requesting login information, please try a different web browser like Firefox or access the information from the district network.

    How can my student get their student ID to ride the bus?

    To ride the school bus, students should have a student ID for attendance and safety reasons. Families can contact their school to request the ID if a student does not have one. Most schools should be able to print the student ID or print a barcode that students can use to scan and ride the bus.

    The Infinite Campus Student Portal includes a barcode that students can access to scan on the bus.

    What is the procedure for getting transportation for a student?
    All transportation forms are completed and submitted electronically by the school and forwarded to transportation. The driver provides the student with a transportation attendance form. The parents are required to complete and sign the transportation attendance form. The student returns the form to the driver.

    What is the procedure for getting transportation for a Special Needs student?

    All Special Needs transportation forms are completed and submitted electronically by the school and forwarded to transportation.

    How can I find my student's bus stop locations and arrival times?

    Use e-Link to find your bus schedule and locations.

    What can I do if my bus is delayed?
    Call the Dispatch Office at 775-337-7769.
    What time should my child get to the bus stop?
    Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
    Can my child ride home with another student?
    Students must have a signed note from their parents and school.

    Can my child get off at any bus stop he wants?

    You must turn in a written note to the office signed by the parent.

    How are bus stops determined?
    When you put your address into e-link, the computer will find the closest and safest bus stop to your home.

    If I move, how would the bus driver know?
    Inform the school office of your new address and your new information will be updated on the computer.

    What is the maximum number of students on a bus?
    The standard school bus has a capacity of 3 students per seat on an 84-passenger bus.