Special Needs Transportation Guidelines & Procedures

    • Students may have one address for pick up, one address for drop off. They can be different, but cannot alternate within the same week. Both addresses must be within the program zone of their school. Divorced parents or guardians sharing custody must choose which address will be used to get their student to and from the school within the program zone of the attending school. Transportation will pick up and drop off at daycare centers as long as they are within the program zone of the school the child is attending. Daycare providers must assist students to and from the bus. Drivers are not permitted to leave their buses unattended.
    • PICK UP : All buses will wait at a student’s stop for 2 minutes before continuing to their next stop. All students will need to be out and ready for the bus 5 minutes prior to the bus arriving unless:
      • The weather is too cold to wait outside.
      • If you live in an apartment you may want to wait at the bus stop in your vehicle.
      • Your student uses a wheelchair.
    • DROP OFF: At drop off, if no adult is present to receive the student, the driver will alert dispatch and continue on the route. The driver will attempt to return at the end of the route to drop the student off. If no adult is present to receive the student at this time, School Police will be called.
    • Driver and bus attendants are not be permitted to carry students on and off the bus. Students that cannot walk up the stairs to board, but can walk to their seat once on board, may be offered a transport chair to use on the lift only, then transfer to a bus seat. Students must be able to walk on/off or use lift with a secure and approved wheelchair. This includes: a securement safety belt, good brakes, appropriate head rest (if needed). Scooters and stroller type wheel chairs are not compliant with Federal Safety Standards and will not be permitted to use during transport. 
    • WHEELCHAIRS: All wheelchairs must be compliant with WC-19 per Federal & State Standards. All wheelchairs must be secured with 4 securements and a shoulder lap belt. All students also must be secured with in the wheelchair itself. Brakes and head and/or foot supports must always be tight and secure. If any of the above items are not working properly, it may result in delay of transportation. Parents are responsible to make sure the wheelchair is safe and compliant for transport.
    • CAR/STAR SEATS: Students weighing 22-40 lbs. (34-43 inches tall) must use a car seat. Students weighing 40-90 lbs. (43-57 inches tall) can request a star seat. Both are 5 point safety securements. The Star Seat is used for students needing the extra upper body support. Other accommodations are available upon request and the written determination of the student IEP.

    Special Needs Transportation – Frequently Asked Questions

    How does my special needs student qualify for transportation services?

    A special needs student's right to be eligible for special transportation is based upon two federal statues enacted by Congress. Services are based on an individual need to children from the age of 3 through 21. An individualized Education Program (IEP) established by a multi-disciplinary team qualifies a student for special education services which may include the need for transportation.
    Children receiving transportation as a related service are evaluated and provided services within the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) structure. Adapted buses should only be used as a separate, special transportation service if the child's needs can be met only with services that are separated from the standard transportation services for all children. Students identified for curb to curb transportation services are provided this service to/from the closest access point to their residence within the scope of the student's abilities. Bus stop locations may be identified as the entrance of the student's private/gated community and/or the closest accessible corner if they reside in a cul-de-sac or on a dead-end street.

    How long will the routing process take?

    It generally takes up to five (5) business days during the school year, if all information in Infinite Campus is correct. At the start of the school year it may take up to ten (10) business days depending on the volume of work orders generated by late enrollment. Making sure the school has all the correct information can streamline this process. 

    When will my child’s transportation begin?

    Your student's bus driver will contact you with all times for pick-up and drop-off and confirm Transportation's information is correct.
    Who do I notify when my student is not riding? 
    Contact the Transportation Communications Center at 337-7769. 
    • If your student will be out of school for more than three (3) days.
    • If you and your student reside in a remote area that would save time and money if they were not riding for a day. 

    Who do I call if bus is late for pick-up or drop-off?

    Contact the Transportation Communications Center at 337-7769. 
    Reasons why the bus would not arrive to pick-up your student?
    • Infinite Campus information is incorrect, i.e. phone numbers incorrect, incomplete address, etc.
    • Student is a no-call/no-show for the morning pick-up for three (3) consecutive school days. To resume service a call from the parent is needed. Call the Transportation Communication Center at 337-7769, requesting bus service to resume for your student for the next business day.
    • Address change has been submitted for your student that is located out of the school zone.                          

    In the event that a special needs student has moved to a new location in Washoe County, the parents of the special needs student must contact the Program Coordinator/Case Manager for address changes. Transportation will not accept address changes.