- Washoe County School District
- Comprehensive Schools Collaborative
Comprehensive Schools Collaborative
School Performance Support Coordinator
Dr. Raquel Pelletier
333-6093What is the Collaborative?
- Collegial of chronically low-performing school
- Placed on a three-year cycle of targeted support
- Schools receive research-based transformation approaches to foster accelerated sustainable performance
How were school selected?
- CSI Designation
- Index Score in bottom 5% of NV Title I schools
- 4-year graduation rate <67%
- ATSI school who fails to exit designation after three years (originally identified for substantial achievement gap)
- Strategic Support Schools
- Considered “at-risk” for CSI status
Supports Provided
- School Performance Support Coordinator – Dr. Raquel Pelletier
- Intensive Support to develop a three-year vision for accelerated improvement
- Additional funding and staff allocations to support the accelerated improvement
- Intensive leadership support provided by TNTP
Collaborative Schools
Agnes Risley Elementary School
Desert Heights Elementary School
Esther Bennett Elementary School
Lincoln Park Elementary School