Welcome to Turning Point




    Turning Point provides the support needed to ensure the educational, intellectual, social-emotional, and vocational development of students to enable them to be productive members of society.



    Turning Point is a self-contained program on a self-standing campus in the Washoe County School District (WCSD) in Reno, Nevada. It is a part of the continuum of services for students with individualized education programs. The Turning Point program helps individual special needs children who have demonstrated significant behavioral regression in the least restrictive environment (LRE) on a middle school or high school campus, even with supplemental aids, services, modifications, and individual behavior plans.

    Wrap-around mental health services are provided through the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. Behavioral analysis is provided by UNR's Behavioral Education and Consulting Services (BECS). BECS' role at Turning Point is to provide evidence-based direct and consultative services. BECS operates primarily on a behavioral consultation model aimed at building Turning Point's staff's capacity for providing behavioral support to students in need.






Contact Us

  • 350 Hunter Lake Drive
    Reno, NV 89509
    775-337-7560 Phone
    775-333-5353 Fax

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