School of Choice FAQs

  • How are students assigned to a school in Washoe County School District?

  • What is School of Choice?

  • When does the School of Choice process begin?

  • What schools are available during the School of Choice application window?

  • How are available seats at each school determined?

  • When is the School of Choice application due?

  • Can a student apply to more than one school outside of their zone?

  • How long does an approved School of Choice placement last?

  • Which schools accept a School of Choice application request?

  • How are School of Choice applications approved?

  • Why might a School of Choice application be denied?

  • How are families notified if an application is approved or denied?

  • Are School of Choice placements based on when the application is submitted?

  • Is there a waitlist option?

  • What happens if more students apply to a school, then there are open available seats?

  • Can a family complete multiple School of Choice applications for more than one student?

  • What happens if my student has an individualized education plan (IEP) or receives services provided by specialized programs?

  • What if a student moves into the area after the final School of Choice window has closed?

  • Will transportation be provided if a student attends a school on a School of Choice application?

  • Can a School of Choice application or placement be revoked by the receiving school once it is established?

  • Does a School of Choice application need to be completed if my student has already been on a previous variance?

  • What if a family has a life-changing or catastrophic event which requires consideration for School of Choice?

  • What if a family moves out of their student’s zoned school and now would like to request a School of Choice option for their student to remain at the same school?

  • What if my student started with the school district, left, and then wants to return to the district?

  • How might a School of Choice placement impact my child’s athletic eligibility?

  • Who can I contact if I have questions regarding the School of Choice process?