• Academic Personalized Plans –Supported through the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Department. Academic Personalized Planning assists schools with meeting the individual needs of students to ensure success.

    Student Activities/Athletics Athletics, wellness, health, physical education, clubs, and activities.

    Behavior Hearings & Placement Facilitates district level behavior hearings for students placed on Emergency Suspension and placement meetings for students under the supervision of Juvenile Probation or Nevada Youth Parole seeking re-admittance to a WCSD school or Alternative Education Program.

    Counseling Services Provides support and leadership to school counselors K-12 district-wide; in addition to providing resources, referrals, and direct support for students, families, and staff. 

    Family-School Partnerships –Provides support to increase family engagement and oversees Parent University.

    Intervention –mission is to work in partnership with students, families, schools, and community agencies to ensure the success of all students by helping to identify and remove barriers that cause chronic absenteeism, and build resiliency with children and families. Programs include Truancy, Reengagement, Children in Transition and Family Resource Centers.

    Multi-Tier System of Supports(MTSS) and Social and Emotional Learning(SEL)- Works to develop Washoe County School District's capacity to create, support, and sustain school climates that are safe, orderly, predictable, and positive, so as to maximize opportunities for academic, social, and emotional success for all.

    Section 504/Home Hospital Supports schools in meeting the needs of students who qualify for accommodations under Section 504.

    Student Health Services To support the academic achievement of all Washoe County School District students by anticipating, preventing, and removing health barriers to learning.

    Psychological Services - Works with the school's MTSS structure to support teachers and students who have academic and behavioral challenges. Uses consulation and evaluation skills in adherence to special education laws. To ensure student and staff safety through safety screeners, safety assessments, and safety plans.