Complaint Resolution

  • The Washoe County School District is dedicated to providing a safe and respectful learning and working environment free from bulying, cyber-bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation; and to identifying and correcting practices and policies that perpetuate negative beliefs and behaviors.  This commitment includes the actions and behaviors of students, faculty and staff, coaches and volunteers, parents/guardians and other family members, and other visitors to District schools, school buses, and other facilities, and District/school-sponsored activities. 

    To District prohibits discrimination based on, but not limited to, the following:

    • Sex, Race, Color, National Origin;
    • Religion;
    • Disability;
    • Building and/or Facility Accessibility - incluing existence and location of accessible services, activities, and facilities;
    • Accessibility of electronic and information technology - includuing online information or website functionality;
    • Effective Communication - include provision of interpreters and other auxiliary aids; and/or
    • Reasonable accommodations and modifications to procedures
    Through the District's complaint resolution processes, students, faculty/staff, and other members of the community have access to resolve concerns and complaints.  Below are the various resolution processes that are available:

    Complaints related to Accessibility concerns, to include building/facility, electronic and information technology, effective communication, and reasonable accommodations should be referred to the District's Civil Rights Compliance Director (see below)

Contact Us - Civil Rights Compliance

  • The District has designated the following individual to handle inquiries regarding the District’s compliance with civil rights laws and address discrimination concerns and complaints: 

    Judy Prutzman, Civil Rights Compliance Director, Title IX Coordinator, and Title VI Coordinator
    Physical Address: 425 East 9th Street, Reno NV 89512
    Mailing Address: PO Box 30425, Reno NV 89520-3425
    Phone: 775-348-0300
    Fax: 775-333-6010

    The Title VI Coordinator is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the District's compliance with non-discrimination laws related to educational programs/activities and employment on the basis of: race, color, national origin or ethnic group identification, ancestry.
    The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the District's compliance with non-discrimination laws related to sex in educational programs/activities and employment to include discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.
    The ADA Coordinator is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as well as other state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to persons with disabilities.   The District is committed to having appropriate processes in place to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints and inquiries regarding discrimination on the basis of disability.

    [1] Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act
    [2] Title VI of the Civil Rights Act

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