Attendance Information


    Inservice Credit regulations require that participants attend fifteen (15) hours of in-class instruction to receive one unit of Inservice Credit.

    In order to provide opportunities for Inservice participants to make up required in-class instruction, the following options are available:

    • The instructor of record may schedule an additional class period for make-up purposes. However, since this procedure is optional and not a contractual obligation, no additional salary for the instructor would be provided.
    • In the case of an emergency, participants may miss up to one hour of a one-credit Inservice class without penalty.  A second hour may be missed and made up IF the instructor is able to give a one-hour make-up assignment.  If more than two hours are missed, the participant must make up the exact hours of the entire content missed, if/when the class is offered again in the future.  For example, if a participant misses the second four-hour session of a class, he/she must attend the second four hours of the class content when the class is offered in the future. Upon completion of the make-up hours, the participant will receive a Certificate of Credit.  This action must conclude within a three-year period. 

    It is the participant's responsibility to sign in at every class.

    It is the responsibility of the individual participant to maintain personal records as to when a class was taken and to contact the instructor prior to the first meeting of a make-up class.

    Inclement Weather

    If there are no school closures due to inclement weather, evening in-service courses will run as scheduled, unless participants are notified otherwise.  If there is a delayed start, evening Inservice courses will run as scheduled, unless participants are notified otherwise.  If school has been canceled for the day, evening courses are also canceled.  If you have any questions regarding whether or not a course is being held, please call or email the instructor.