- Washoe County School District
- Awarded Grants
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Competitive and Formula Federal Flow-Through to State Agencies
- Carl D. Perkins (Formula- Supports Career and Technical Education.
- Carl D. Perkins (Competitive)- Support Career and Technical Education.
- Congressionally Funded Community Programs for Chronic Absenteeism, Student Mental health and Leadership Pathway.
- Early Head Start- Support Pre-K programming.
- Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program- Provides fresh fruit and vegetables and nutrition education materials to the Title I schools.
- IDEA- Supports Special Education services.
- McKinney-Vento- Serves Homeless children.
- National School Lunch Program (Equipment)- Provides equipment for breakfast and lunch programs.
- Native American Language Program.
- Native Youth Community Projects.
- NDOT- Safe Routes to Schools provides funds to provide school pedestrian safety.
- Project Aware- Supports student well-being.
- School Based Mental Health Services NDE- Supports Social Work Interns.
- SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program- Administrated through the Family Resource Centers.
- Special Education Early Childhood Education- Supports Special Education Pre-K programming.
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Supports family basic needs.
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers- Supports after-school programming.
- Title I Part A- Supports direct student's services for low-income schools.
- Title I 1003 (a)- Supports low performing schools with leadership and teacher professional development.
- Title I Part D- Supports juvenile delinguent services.
- Title II-A Professional Development- Supports teachers and principal professional development.
- Title III-Limited English Proficiency- Supports teacher professional development and direct student services.
- Title III-Immigrant- Immigrant education services.
- Title IVA- Student and Academic Achievement- Provides direct support to students in areas of student safety, well-rounded education, and technology.
- Title IVB- Supports Family Resource Center programming.
- Title VI- Supports Indian Education programming.
- Title XX Children's Trust Fund- Provides services to families at risk for child neglect.
Competitive and Formula State Agency Grants
- CTE State Competitive -- Supports Career and Technical Education.
- NV OSIT- Provides funds to improve STEM education and workforce development.
- NRS 430 (A) A Family Resource Center -- Supports Family Resource Center services.
- Nevada Registry Program -- Statewide registry for early childhood educators.
- Regional Professional Development Program -- Supports teacher professional development.
- University of Nevada, Reno Deans Future Scholars- Provides secondary students mentoring.
Major Private Foundation Grants
Local, regional, and national foundations and local businesses and corporations play a large role in providing funding such as technology tools, tutoring, instructional materials, science equipment, playground equipment, and teacher training.
- Amazon
- Assistance League of Reno-Sparks
- Barker Foundation
- Community Foundation of Western Nevada
- Depoali Memorial Fund
- DEW Foundation
- Dolan Auto Group
- Duffield Foundation
- Eaglemark Savings Bank
- Education Alliance
- E.L. Cord Foundation
- Gateway Fund
- Gillemot Foundation
- Hughes & Jones Music Fund
- International Lining Technology
- Incline Education Fund
- Intuit
- Konner Robison Scholastic
- Lemelson Foundation
- Lifestyle Homes
- NoVo Foundation
- NV Energy
- Pennington Foundation
- Project Lead The Way
- Raley's Extra Credit
- Redfield Foundation
- Reno Rodeo Foundation
- Reno Rotary
- Silver Summit
- Sparks Rotary
- Swift Foundation
- Titan Solar Power
- Van Sickle Foundation
- Washoe K-12 Education Foundation
- Walter S. Johnson Foundation
- United Healthcare