- Washoe County School District
- Bullying Information for Families
Civil Rights Compliance
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The Office of Civil Rights Compliance is your resource for manuals, forms and presentation materials related to bullying and discrimination incidents and investigations.
Policies, Regulations, Forms, Brochures, Posters
Board Policies
Board Policy 5700, Safe and Respectful Learning Environment
Through this board Policy, the Board of Trustees seeks to create a safe and respectful learning environment free from race discrimination, bullying, and cyberbullying in order for students to achieve success.
Board Policy 9200 Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited
The Board of Trustees is committed to providing safe and respectful environments free of harassment or discrimination based on protected class status within its schools, buses, and other facilities, and at Washoe County School District sponsored events.
Administrative Regulations - Students
Administrative Regulation 5701, Student Complaint Process: Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination
The Superintendent has adopted this Administrative Regulation to set forth the procedures for the prompt and equitable response to non-criminal complaints and concerns from students, parents, guardians, or others regarding allegations of bullying against a student by another student in the Washoe County School District.
Administrative Regulation 5702, Staff on Student Bullying
The Superintendent has adopted this Administrative Regulation to set forth the procedures for the prompt and equitable response to non-criminal complaints and concerns from students, parent/guardians, or others regarding allegations of bullying by an employee against a student in the Washoe County School District.
Outside Materials
Nevada Department of Education Brochure, "Bullying"
Nevada Department of Education Brochure, "Bullying - Spanish
Nevada Department of Education, Safe and Respectful Learning