- Washoe County School District
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Library Services
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Library Resources
The Library Services Manual has been prepared to provide librarians and administrators with information about library procedures and programs in the Washoe County School District. It has been developed especially for those persons actively engaged in the operation of Library Media Centers in the District.WCSD Library Flowchart - Request for Reconsideration – This flowchart will assist principals in determining next steps in working with a parent in regard to a book concern.WCSD Form - Request for Reconsideration of Media - See flowchart for when this form is applicable.WCSD Middle School Letter (Template) - Request to opt out of checking out young adult books.Library SubstitutesTo become a library substitute, one must be interviewed and approved by Library Services.Contact Carrie Parker (carrie.parker@washoeschools.net) for more information.To become a substitute, complete the job application on the Washoe County School District website under Careers.There are two possible opportunities: one for Certified Substitute (sub for a teacher and/or middle and high school library) and one for Educational Support Personnel (ESP) (Elementary School Librarians).
If you are interested in becoming a substitute for both Certified and ESP, you must complete two separate applications. You will have to create two separate accounts, each with a unique username. You may utilize the same email for both accounts.
Helpful links:- Washoe County Library System
- Requirements for School Library Media Specialist Endorsement
- Requirements for Library Associate Classification
Standards and Teaching Resources:Student learning goals for the library focus on the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS):
In addition to the above standards, the following are excellent resources:
AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner
- The American Association of School Librarians has released new national standards for the 21st century learner. Although the State of Nevada has not adopted these standards to date, it is important to read the standards and begin having discussions on how these new standards align with the old. It is also important to dialog methods of moving these standards toward state adoption and daily instruction. The standards focus on six core values that learners, school librarians and school libraries reflect and promote: inquire, include, collaborate, curate, explore and engage. For more information and resources, visit AASL Standards
Standards for Students emphasize the skills and qualities we want for students, enabling them to engage and thrive in a connected, digital world. The standards are designed for use by educators across the curriculum, with every age student, with a goal of cultivating these skills throughout a student’s academic career. ISTE Standards for Students
- Digital Citizenship - “Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use." Other resources can be found at Digital Citizenship, Common Sense Media and WCSD Digital Citizenship