Our Promise

  • We will know every student by NAME, STRENGTH, and NEED so they graduate prepared for the future they choose and we will deliver on this promise in partnership with our FAMILIES and COMMUNITY.

Our Goals

  • Strong  Start for Every Child
    Every Student, through Grade 3, will experience equitable learning opportunities for success in developmentally appropriate environments.

    Student  Voice & Advocacy
    Every student will have ongoing opportunities to take ownership of their education journey.

    Safety & Belonging
    Every student will be welcomed, included and valued within a safe and supportive school environment.

    Academic Growth & Achievement
    Every student will have access to challenging academic programs, meet or exceed standards and achieve at least one year's academic growth annually.

    Empowering All Learners for their Future
    Every student will graduate with the skills necessary to thrive in a diverse and rapidly evolving world.

  • Safety and Connection
    Our pillars, deeply integrated with safety and connection, provide a durable frame for what we will do to achieve excellence for all students.

    Pillars Graphic

    District-wide culture supports the social, emotional and physical well-being of the students and staff through intentional instruction and supports

    Consistent Standards-Aligned Curriculum & Instruction

    All students have agency and equitable access to curriculum, assessment and instruction aligned with content standards, implemented consistently across all learning environments.

    Strong Partnerships Among Families, Community & School

    Trust among the family, school and community is nurtured through shared responsibility for student success; proactive and respectful teaming with families; and sustained relationships with the community.

    Commitment to Elevating Educators

    Teachers, leaders and staff receive timely focused support aligned to their individual growth areas to meet the specific needs of our diverse students.

    Culture of Excellence & Accountability

    A learning community built on collective responsibility, efficiency and data-informed improvement to ensure optimized systems for teaching, learning and leadership.



  • Please be sure to check this page often for more updates and information on the WCSD Strategic Plan.