- Middle Schools
- Our Students
- Student-Parent Handbook
Absences and Make-Up Work
We ask that the office is informed each time a student is going to be absent from school. There are two ways to report an absence:
- Through Infinite Campus online or through the Infinite Campus app. More information on how to access this resource is available here.
- By calling our office at 775-746-5860, select Option 1. When contacting the office via phone, please include the reason for the student’s absence.
Due to reporting regulations, an absence is an absence. A student is considered present or absent. Verification documentation provided by medical professional, mental health professional or behavioral health professional will exempt an absence from counting toward chronic absenteeism.
It is the responsibility of the student to request make-up work from their teachers when they return to school after an absence. Teachers must provide students make-up work or concepts missed by the student within two-days of the student returning to class. Students have the number of days absent +1 day to complete the work. For example: If a student is absent for 2 days, they have 3 days to complete the work and turn it back into their teacher. For more information on make-up work and support, please visit our Make-Up Work page under the Our Students section of this website.
Additional information is provided on the Family Section of the Intervention Department website and on the Guide to Attendance for Families document.
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