Our District

  • Welcome to Our District information page. Clayton is a part of the larger Washoe County School District community. We organized this page so that you can find important information about our district . You can click the link on the navigation menu to the left or in the menu below:

        • Associate Chief. This page has information about our Associate Chief. The Associate Chief supports and supervises our school to ensure that the learning and social-emotional needs of each student are met. This includes support for students, teachers, principals, all staff, and families. 
        • Nutrition Services. Access information, menus and policies here.
        • Online Registration. Complete your child's annual Online Registration here.
        • School Year Calendars. This link connects you to WCSD Student Accounting Department's information on our district's school year calendars. This includes the current and future school year calendars.
        • Student Records Requests. Request transcripts and student records here. 
        • Transportation & Busses. Access information on transportation rules and regulations and find your bus route.
        • WCSD News Hub. Get connected to district news and information.

    Please note: We are updating our website for organization and accuracy of information. Some information might be old or out-of-date, but we are working on it. If you can't find something that you are looking for, please contact our office for assistance (775) 746-5860.